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Zach! Mandeville

Just do your best. Do everything you can. Don't you worry what their bitter hearts are going to say (guitar solo)



Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Total plants: 1

Hi! I am a writer, codewitch, solarpunk, tarotologist and friend! I'm originally from Funwater, Washington (a town right next to Olympia, WA), and now living in New Zealand!

Member since 1/3/19

image description: shot of hill overlooking a neighborhood of rooftops and shiny green trees of all varieties. Blue sky with puffy clouds in the distance.

Hi, Petals! I'm happy I joined this pleasant network!

My name is Zach and I'm a zinemaker and codewitch and friend. I used to live in NYC and Olympia, WA, but moved to New Zealand at the start of last year. Here is a nice picture for y'all, from my walk home this evening!!