Petal beta
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lol like a book club but jsut discussing individual tweets!! great idea. idk what this means. in fact i am struggling to parse the syntax. so… it's saying the only thing that doesn't [treat future as embarrassing and past as spell] is [world-changing thinking]? is that right? so like…

a lot of people are spellbound by past and embarrassed by future like, just stick to our conventions and stuff, the direction ppl are trying to head in is shameful only world-changing thinking isn't like that i guess sorta by definition?


i like it. like it's getting at some emotional posture that drives “world-changing” conversations? describing emotions about whole halves of the timeline.


oh that was supposed to be bullet-pointed:

• a lot of people are spellbound by past and embarrassed by future
• like, just stick to our conventions and stuff, the direction ppl are trying to head in is shameful
• only world-changing thinking isn't like that
• i guess sorta by definition?

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